Tuesday, January 18, 2011

DealBreaker dot com, the place where investment bankers hang out, ridicule, and ban main street responders.

I have RSS feeds from both Deal Book and Deal Breaker listed on Swarm the Banks. I guess I mistook Deal Breaker for Deal Book this morning as I rushed to check out some blogs before heading out for a very buys day. lol, Deal Book and Deal Breaker are not the same thing.

Yes, I was banned from Deal Breaker. Would be nice if a few people visited them and absorbed their old school narcissism about investment banking and their lust for huge bonuses they allegedly "earn". If you banter, be polite, I'm curious if they ban anyone who disagrees with them.
Deal Book is open to various points of view, whereas Deal Breaker reminds me of the scene from The Fugitive when the bus careens off the road.
Imagine as the bus is flipping over and over down a never ending mountainside that people inside the bus are fighting each other to see who can grab onto the steering wheel to steer, that is the type of mentality I encountered at Deal Breaker, people seem completely oblivious to the plight of main street and their role in it, and they're arrogantly proud of it.

But know your enemy, because they really don't comprehend how out of touch they are, and the damage they continue to do to the country and the world with their securitization sleight of hand.

I doubt the posters are that old as they think nothing of ridiculing someone who uses a real name while they pose as anonymous.

You are viewing Swarm The Banks. Please check out Parallel Foreclosure blog and UNfair Foreclosures blog as well.

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