Monday, October 4, 2010

Think Big Work Small, Frank Garay & Brian Stevens with an Insane Video rant blaming homeowners for virtually all home foreclosures.

CLICK HERE TO SEE THE ABOVE INSANE HOME FORECLOSURE VIDEO RANT. I thought I liked Frank Garay and Brian Stevens of Think Big Work Small, but they sure turned out to be foreclosure idiots.

Garay and Stevens state that if a homeowner does not make their payments, they should lose their home. And yet, the PRIMARY WAY to get a home loan modification is to NOT make your payments. If you continue to make your payments, the banks assumes you have no hardship!

If the Banks were in any way, shape, or form responsible for artificially inflating home values a few years ago by making it too easy to purchase a home, then they have at least some responsibility for the decline in home values today.

If US banks have been siphoning profits and using the profits to move manufacturing jobs to other countries, then they have at least some responsibility to rework existing home loan mortgages.

Therefore, when the government intercedes and creates a home loan modification program to reduce the loss of home ownership, it is incumbent upon the banks to make a LEGITIMATE EFFORT to see who can still afford to stay in their home with a reasonable adjustment to their original mortgage deal.

If however, the banks have no true desire to help homeowners, then lets not absolve the banking industry of their illegal and unethical home foreclosure practices.

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