Friday, July 9, 2021

Update: This offer has ended. How I can offer investors 15 times higher interest rates (8%) than the Banks are presently giving (0.6%) in July of 2021. This Offer has officially ended.

Update: Feb. 16, 2023. This offer has officially ended. 
I have an opportunity to share $25,000 dollars to investors so I can save $15,000, otherwise I will lose $40,000 because of Reverse Mortgage rules. If I wait until August of 2023, I will save $40,000 that will otherwise go to a banker or private money funder.
Besides the investor receiving quarterly dividends based on the 8% annual rate, the original investment amount will be paid back by Oct. 05, 2023 by law, due to the Reverse Mortgage rule that anyone listed as a payee on the mortgage deed must be paid off. Yes, a guaranteed 8% investment and you will get your original investment back. The banks offering 0.6% do have in house investment advisors who are ironically not connected to the bank, and do NOT guarantee their investments.

You are viewing Swarm The Banks. Please check out Parallel Foreclosure blog and UNfair Foreclosures blog as well.

1 comment:

Harriet John said...

I just applied for a Car Loan from Mr Pedro and his investment funding company and an Unsubsidized Loan. After doing some research on different lenders I chose Discover because they seem to offer some of the best benefits in the market (at this precise moment in time) at a 2% rate. Contact Mr Pedro on to apply for any type of loan.