Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Lunatic Progressive Fringe of the Democrat Party and the Insufferable Neo Con Element of the Republican Party continue to destroy the world with their uncompromising positions.

Anyone who is paying down their overall consumer debt levels every month should have their interest rates slashed to almost zero. This one act alone would almost instantly fix the world economy and fairly rebalance wealth in a relatively short amount of time.

The powers that be have manipulated news coverage into two stark and disparate corners, it's either "debt forgiveness" by the lunatic progressive wing of the democrat party, or "get a job" by the insufferable republican neo cons.

In the middle, where MOST americans actually live and breathe as moderate conservatives and moderate liberals, (and where Hillary  Clinton is most popular) resonates a more reasonable position, "Can I get an interest rate reduction if I am lowering my overall debt level every month?"

Yes, fixing the economy is really that simple.

You are viewing Swarm The Banks. Please check out Parallel Foreclosure blog and UNfair Foreclosures blog as well.


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